Scientific Advisory Board (SAB)

The Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) of NFDI4Microbiota comprises scientific experts and representatives of the professional societies (and as such representatives of the user community) from the fields of microbiology and bioinformatics. The SAB members are involved in research data infrastructures and international initiatives with direct relevance to NFDI4Microbiota. The SAB provides strategic input and advise the consortium on

  1. the research data management strategy,
  2. proposals and plans, and
  3. the needs of the research community.
This body highlights critical issues and emerging global trends. The SAB thus support the further development of NFDI4Microbiota. SAB members communicate/meet at least annually and suggest strategic planning ideas to the BoD.

SAB Members

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Prof. Dr. Markus Engstler

Cell Biology, Physical Parasitology
University of Würzburg, Germany
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Dr. Nikos Kyrpides

Microbiome Data Science, Bioinformatics, Metagenomics, Viral Genomics
Joint Genome Institute, USA
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Dr. Claudine Médigue

Microbial Bioinformatics
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France
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Dr. Sünje Johanna Pamp

Microbes & Microbiomes, Genomics, Host-Microbe Interaction, Pathogens, Clinical Metagenomics, Antimicrobial Resistance, Health & Disease
Novozymes, Denmark
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Dr. Nicole Wheeler

University of Birmingham, UK
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Prof. Dr. Christine Moissel-Eichinger

Microbiome, Archaea
Medical University Graz, Austria
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Prof. Dr. Curtis Huttenhower

Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, USA
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Dr. Stan Martin

Data Science
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
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Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Schulz

Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, Germany
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Dr. Robert Finn

Microbiome Informatics
European Bioinformatics Institute, UK

Project Review Board

The Project Review Board (PRB) is responsible for selecting new projects within the scope of the flexible funding and allocation mechanism, thus reacting to new and unforeseen scenarios. It consists of renowned scientists in changing compositions, based on the topics required for review. Staffing suggestions are made by the SAB and members with potential conflicts of interest are excluded. The PRB

  1. is convened as needed to review proposals for innovation and implementation projects, &
  2. provides an unbiased review of innovation and implementation projects.